New and Upcoming


Patient reported Outcomes, post-operative Pain and Pain relief in daY case Surgery. 

National research project looking into post-operative pain, opioid use and self-reported outcomes by patients after day case surgery.  

Running between 15th January until the 9th February (different sites may be dong different weeks).

Patients will be recruited in the study week and then followed up by SMS/email by the central team. Follow up will take place on days 1, 3, 7 and 97, prompted by SMS/email. It is expected that it will take <5mins for patients to complete the feedback on these days. Patients can withdraw from the study at any time. All data will be collected electronically, pseudonymised and stored on a secure centralised database developed by the NewcastlePROMS team in collaboration with the project management group. 

Local collaborators can be anaesthetists, surgeons, research nurses, foundation doctors, medical students, pre-op nurses etc. As long as they have completed Good Clinical Practice training and understand the specifics of the study and process.

Running at all sites in the region. Talk to your local rep for more information and how to get involved.

Full information can be found here