Milton Keynes

MK1O: Physics and equipment: Maths and monitoring

Commonly examined topics

Useful resources


Curriculum codes: 

PC_BK_89 Principles of calibration of monitoring equipment

PC_BK_85 Infusion pumps and syringe drivers; including PCA drivers and epidural infusion devices: principles, use, safety, and relevant drug infusion calculations

PC_BK_75 Blood pressure: direct and indirect measurement

PC_BK_64 Pressure transducers

PC_BK_65 Resonance, damping, frequency response

PC_BK_05 Basic measurement concepts relevant to understanding of monitoring in anaesthesia:

· linearity /drift/ hysteresis/signal to noise ratio/ static and dynamic response

PC_BK_77 Cardiac output: principles of measurement

PC_BK_04 Area under the curve [integration] and rate of change [differentiation]

PC_BK_87 Minimum monitoring standards

PC_BK_88 Understanding the limits of monitoring equipment

PC_BK_07 SI Units: fundamental units and derived units

PC_BK_08 Other non SI units relevant to anaesthesia: including mmHg, bar, atmospheres, cm H2O, psi

PC_BK_09 Simple mechanics: mass, force, work, energy, power

PC_BK_76 Pulmonary artery pressure measurement

MK2O: Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics and TCI

Commonly examined topics:

Useful resources:

Curriculum codes: 

PR_BK_17 Pharmacokinetics: general principles: absorption, distribution and redistribution; elimination, excretion. Chemical properties of drugs and their pharmacokinetics: blood-brain-barrier and placental barrier. Protein binding: plasma and tissue. Body compartments; adipose and vessel-poor tissue. Bioavailability; clearance

PR_BK_20 Drug elimination from plasma. Mechanisms: distribution; metabolism; excretion: exhalation; renal; biliary; sweat; breast milk. Factors affecting e.g.: pathological state: renal and hepatic failure; age, including extremes of age; gender; drug interactions. Active and inactive metabolites; pro-drugs. Enzyme induction and inhibition

PR_BK_22 Pharmacokinetic modelling: types of models available: one, two and three-compartment models; non-compartmental; physiological. Pharmacokinetic parameters: volume of distribution, half-life and time constant, clearance

PR_BK_23 Context-sensitive half-time: comparison of drugs e.g. propofol, fentanyl and remifentanil. Target-controlled infusions [TCI]

PR_BK_24 TCI in practice: accuracy, applicability, cost. Variations due to patient differences: predictable and unpredictable

PR_BK_25 Differences in patient response to therapy: gender; pathology; polypharmacy; in particular, changes occurring with increasing age

PR_BK_26 Pharmacogenetics: pharmacokinetic variation e.g. pseudocholinesterase; acetylation; CYP450 variants. Poor and fast metabolizers; racial and geographic distribution of common abnormal genes

PC_BK_02 Exponential functions including wash-in, wash-out, tear-away

MK3F: Physics and equipment: Electricity

Commonly examined topics: TBC

Useful resources: TBC

Videos: TBC

Curriculum codes:

PC_BK_37 Basic concepts of electricity and magnetism

PC_BK_38 Electrical voltage, AC and DC current, resistance, impedance

PC_BK_39 Electrical circuits: series and parallel

PC_BK_40 Symbols of basic components of electrical circuits

PC_BK_41 Capacitance, inductance

PC_BK_42 Wheatstone bridge: principles, uses

PC_BK_43 Electrical hazards: causes and prevention

PC_BK_44 Electrocution: including microshock, earth faults, leakage

PC_BK_45 Electrical equipment safety: domestic and medical, classification/types of equipment, symbols

PC_BK_46 Circuit breakers, fuses

PC_BK_47 Transformers, inductance

PC_BK_48 Transistors, diodes

PC_BK_49 Amplifiers: band width, low pass, high pass, band pass filters

PC_BK_50 ECG: principles including electrodes and electrode placement

PC_BK_51 Fourier analysis

PC_BK_52 Amplification of biological signals: including ECG, EMG, EEG, BIS, CFM, CFAM

PC_BK_53 Piezo-electric devices

PC_BK_54 Electrical interference: sources, methods of reduction

PC_BK_61 Cardiac pacemakers: principles and classification

PC_BK_62 Defibrillators and defibrillation: principles, including thoracic impedance, monophasic, multiphasic, implantable devices

PC_BK_63 Diathermy: monopolar, bipolar; safety and uses

PC_BK_73 Fires and explosions: risks and prevention

MK4F: Physiology: Haematology

Commonly examined topics: TBC

Useful resources: TBC

Videos: TBC

Curriculum codes:

AN_BK_37 Structures in the antecubital fossa

AN_BK_40 Large veins of the leg and femoral triangle

AN_BK_41 Arteries of the upper and lower limbs

PB_BK_17 Blood: physical properties, components, functions

PB_BK_18 Red blood cells: production and turnover, haematinics, haemoglobin and its variants including abnormal haemoglobins eg thalassaemia, HbS

PB_BK_19 Anaemia: acute and chronic adaptations – Iron absorption, transportation, metabolism

PB_BK_20 Polycythaemia: causes and implications

PB_BK_21 Blood groups: ABO, Rhesus, others

PB_BK_22 Transfusion reactions; rhesus incompatibility

PB_BK_23 Haemostasis and coagulation, fibrinolysis – including abnormalities, congenital and acquired

PB_BK_24 Alternative oxygen carrying solutions

PR_BK_48 Anticoagulants: oral and parenteral. Sites of action; indications use; monitoring effect. Comparison of heparins:

unfractionated and fractionated. Newer anticoagulants

PR_BK_49 Antiplatelet agents. Perioperative management of antiplatelet medication

PR_BK_50 Pro-coagulants: Drugs. Individual factor concentrates; multi-factor preparations including FFP; vitamin K

PR_BK_51 Colloids, including blood and blood products: Composition of preparations; safe use and avoidance of errors

MK5F: Pharmacology: Autonomics

Commonly examined topics: TBC

Useful resources: TBC

Videos: TBC

Curriculum codes:

PR_BK_40 Drugs and the autonomic nervous system: anatomy; myelinated and unmyelinated nerves; ganglia and rami communicantes. Neurotransmitters. Sites at which drugs can interfere with autonomic transmission

PR_BK_41 Drugs and the sympathetic nervous system: adrenergic receptors and molecular mechanisms of action: Indications for pharmacological use of naturally occurring catecholamines and synthetic analogues. Other classes of drugs active in the

sympathetic system: e.g. MAOIs

PR_BK_42 Drugs and the parasympathetic nervous system: nicotinic and muscarinic receptors with subgroups. Mechanism of action. Agonists, antagonists. Comparison of available drugs. Hyoscine and antiemesis

PR_BK_43 Cardiovascular system: general: drug effects on the heart [inotropy and chronotropy] and on the circulation: arterial and venous effects; systemic and pulmonary effects

PR_BK_44 Inotropes and pressors: Classification; site of action. Synthetic inotropes compared with adrenaline

PR_BK_45 Drugs used in ischaemic heart disease: Classification of drugs used. Mechanisms of drug action. Unstable angina

PR_BK_46 Antiarrhythmics: Classification. Indications for use, including use in resuscitation

PR_BK_47 Hypotensive agents: Classes of drugs to produce acute hypotension in theatre. Therapeutic antihypertensive agents: classification according to mechanism of action. Adverse effects of drugs in each class

PR_BK_52 Crystalloid fluids: Composition; suitable fluids for maintenance and replacement of losses. Comparison with colloids;

unwanted effects

PR_BK_57 Renal system: diuretics: Classification of diuretics. Unwanted effects; indications for use